New from Charles F. Millhouse: Uklavar, the horned beast is at the edge of the galaxy obsessively searching for his imprisoned army, so he may once again wreak havoc and destruction on the whole of creation, as he did a thousand years ago.Earth is in turmoil.
The Iris Lexor hive-mind is slowly absorbing more and more humans into her collective to unify humanity. Her greatest obstacle is the House Tannador, who is reeling after the sudden death of their patriarch.
Those of the Origin expedition left behind on Kepler 369 face a grave truth, that the human race is unprepared for Uklavar, and the ancient, all-knowing computer is unable or unwilling to help.
Humanities only hope is a secret project conceived by the reclusive Moyah Everhart. In her attempt to strengthen the human race, she has driven a wedge so deep, it could bring the end to all life on Earth.

Captain Hawklin and the Lost Land

September 1935:

After an attack on Crown City by the pirate sect, the Kibo Brotherhood, Captain Steven Hawklin, is thrown into events five years in the making. Setting off across the exotic wonders of India he encounters the mysterious “Overlord”, the ruler of a hidden jungle once connected to the elusive Monster Island. Can Steven, Hardy and Oz along with the heroic Amelia Earhart stop Overlord before he rids the jungle of its most precious commodity - the Heart of Alora - the ancient artifact that brings eternal life to the inhabitants of the Lost Land.